The real selfless Heroes of the Pandemic, Frontline Healthcare Workers, have put everything online to save every single life they could. But it all comes at a cost. It’s not easy to see people closing eyes in front of you one final time, or to pull double shifts week in week out, or live in constant fear of getting your family members Covid Positive. Our frontline Healthcare workers have been Jaded and battling mental and emotional Health in these stressful times.

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) at Manchester UK acknowledged this issue and decided to run programs to support the drained and burned-out Healthcare workers. In addition to walks outside and focusing on the bright side of life, Meditation has been a key focus of this program. So far it has been very successful in helping these workers cope with the stress and the program would soon extend to broader staff.
It’s not just DHMC, but a lot of institutions around the world are including Meditation seems to be a key part of all post covid destressing efforts and programs. Meditation is something easy, scalable and universal. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is also providing free meditation classes online in over 190 countries.